
Disrupting Anti-Black Racism
We designed an original and innovative model for understanding and confronting anti-Black racism titled “The 4C’s Cycle of Anti-Black Racism Framework.” We use this framework to identify, analyze and disrupt issues of anti-Black racism our clients face, and we equip you to do the same.
Antiracist Math and STEM
These services equip you to transform your collective math and STEM praxis by centering the learning needs of students of Color, disrupting oppressive practices in STEM instruction, and helping students reclaim their ancestral genius.
Workshops & Professional Development
We offer a variety of workshops and professional development experiences to help your educators transform their praxis, including workshops for admin and leadership, schoolwide antiracist education, and liberatory literacy instruction. We are often loved for our fun and useful PDs.
Systemic Change and Transformation
We offer services to help you thoughtfully disrupt systemic racism in your praxis, pedagogy, culture, and policy. Our Antiracist Consultation Services span through a 3 phase plan that goes beyond learning about antiracism and gets into the action of doing so by collecting and analyzing data, drafting goals and organizing task forces to transform your space.
Quetzal is always innovative, authentically disruptive of racism and oppression, and effectively solution oriented. Some custom work we’ve done: PD’s to disrupt misogyny and patriarchy with students and staff; emotional regulation series for students; hate incident response and protocol creation and support with addressing incidents at your site.